On Tuesday 28th of May, Taminmin College 2013 group went to Sandanbeki pirate caves, a charcoal factory and Shinjo park. at Shinjo park. We had lunch and had a go at playing on the new (to us) and cool playground equipment. We slid down slides, jumped on a trampoline, flew down the flying fox and did just about playtime related. some were playing tip while others were exploring, and those two were Mitchell Pemberton and Benjamin Williams. They walked across a bridge and found on the other side, a massive pirate ship playground which they explored and told the others about. Then as they left people rushed over to it and started playing. then along came Riley Rusu who just played normal, but at the back of the ship there was a net which was closed at the bottom so if you got in it, you would find it very hard to get out. Riley rushed to the back and jumped into the net, he got distracted and bit by bit slid down deeper into the net. eventually he got so deep he could not move his legs at all therefore he was stuck. He started screaming out to the rest of the class, he was stuck fast!
Riley was sitting there all squashed up laughing about it and then he told us to get him out, but he was stuck fast. Before we went to help him we all took photos and laughed about his situation. Every body started to push and pull to help him. After struggling for 5 minutes he could move his legs and he finally got out, his knee was bleeding from rubbing up against the rope and his back was red from rubbing up against the rope. We all got on the bus and went home.
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